flank steak with cherry compote / brussels sprouts with pistachio / salad

flank steak with cherry compote / brussels sprouts with pistachio / salad

Contents of your meal kit:

flank steak
brussels sprouts
cherry compote
balsamic vinaigrette base
saladini greens

Cookware needed: baking sheet, medium to large skillet, microwave-safe bowl, salad bowl

Finishing steps:

  1. Preheat oven to 425.
  2. Slice brussels sprouts in half. Rinse well, and set on a towel to dry.
  3. On baking sheet, toss brussels sprouts with olive oil, salt & pepper. Roast 8 minutes, then toss with a spatula and sprinkle pistachios over the top. Return to oven for another 8-10 minutes, or until brussels sprouts are tender and crispy at edges. Continue with next steps after you’ve tossed the brussels sprouts.
  4. Heat a skillet over high heat. Season both sides of steak with salt & pepper and rub with olive oil. When skillet is hot, add steak and cook 3-5 minutes per side for medium-rare.   You should see a nice crust on both sides. Transfer to cutting board, tent with foil, and rest up to 10 minutes.
  5. Transfer cherry compote to a microwave-safe bowl and heat in 10-second intervals until warm.
  6. Pour vinaigrette base into the bottom of your salad bowl and add an equal amount of olive oil. Whisk or mix with a fork to combine. If this looks like too much dressing, you can remove some at this point before adding the greens. Toss gently and season with salt & pepper to taste.
  7. After steak has rested, slice across the grain to ensure a tender bite, and serve with warm cherry compote. Enjoy brussels sprouts and salad on the side.