salt & pepper chicken / grilled peach salad with mint, feta & red onion / arugula


salt & pepper chicken / grilled peach salad with mint, feta & red onion / arugula

Contents of your meal kit:

black & white vinaigrette base
red pepper
red onion

Cookware needed: salad bowl, small bowl, outdoor grill (see note)

Finishing steps:

  1. Pour vinaigrette base into the bottom of your salad bowl and add an equal amount of olive oil. Whisk or mix with a fork to combine.
  2. Pull mint leaves from their stems, and then roughly chop or tear. Thinly slice bell pepper. Add both to the salad bowl with vinaigrette.
  • Soak onions in a small bowl of ice water (Soaking raw onions in ice water tames their “bite” and yields a more mellow flavor. If you’ve stayed away from raw onions in the past…try this trick!). After a few minutes, drain, and set on a paper towel to dry.
  1. Preheat grill to med-high. While grill is heating, prepare the ingredients for grilling.
  • Cut peach in half and remove the pit. Rub a little oil on the cut-sides and season with salt & pepper if desired.
  • Season both sides of chicken with salt & pepper and rub with olive oil.
  1. When grill is ready, place peaches cut-side down on one half of the grill. Cook until grill marks appear and the peach begins to soften. Meanwhile, on the other side of the grill, cook chicken about 5 minutes per side or until cooked through.
  2. Add greens and red onion to salad bowl with vinaigrette, mint, and red pepper. Season with salt & pepper if desired, and toss gently to combine. Divide salad evenly between serving plates.
  3. Cut peaches and chicken into bite-size pieces and place on top of the greens. Finish with crumbled feta.

Notes A grill pan, skillet, or your oven’s broiler can be used instead of an outdoor grill.  Cooking times may vary.