maple-glazed pork / roasted parsnips / mixed greens & cider vinaigrette

maple-glazed pork / roasted parsnips / mixed greens & cider vinaigrette

Contents of your meal kit:

pork loin
maple glaze base
cider vinaigrette base
mixed greens
golden raisins

Cookware needed: baking sheet, small bowl, nonstick skillet, salad bowl

Finishing steps:

  1. Preheat oven to 450. On a baking sheet, toss parsnips with olive oil, whole thyme springs, salt & pepper. Roast for 15 minutes, then toss and roast another 5-10 minutes or until tender and golden brown.
  2. Meanwhile, season both sides of pork with salt & pepper. In a small bowl, combine maple glaze base with an equal amount of water.
  3. When about 5 minutes remain on the timer for parsnips, get ready to cook your pork. Heat a small amount of oil in a nonstick skillet over med-high heat. When skillet is hot, cook pork 2-3 minutes per side.
  4. After browning the pork, reduce heat to low, and add maple glaze to skillet. Allow glaze to simmer and reduce for a minute or so, turning pork to coat with glaze. Remove from heat.
  5. Pour vinaigrette base into the bottom of your salad bowl and add an equal amount olive oil. Whisk or mix with a fork to combine. If this looks like too much dressing, remove some before adding the greens and the golden raisins. Toss gently and season with salt & pepper to taste.
  6. Slice pork before dividing between plates. Drizzle with any remaining glaze in skillet. Enjoy salad and roasted parsnips on the side.