oven-roasted ratatouille / quinoa / herbed yogurt

oven-roasted ratatouille / quinoa / herbed yogurt

Contents of your meal kit:

baby eggplant
bell pepper
herbed yogurt

Cookware needed: baking sheet, foil, saucepan

Finishing steps:

  1. Preheat the oven to 450. Give the eggplant, peppers, zucchini, and tomato a quick chop into large bite-sized pieces. Roughly chop the garlic.
  2. Place the vegetables on a foil-lined baking sheet. Drizzle generously with olive oil, season with salt & pepper, and give everything a good toss. Sprinkle with chopped garlic, and top with the thyme sprigs. Cover the entire sheet tightly with another piece of foil. Place in the preheated oven and set a timer for 20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, place quinoa in a saucepan, and add enough water to come ¼-inch above the quinoa.  Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to the lowest setting.  Simmer 10-15 minutes or until all of the water is absorbed. When done remove from heat, keep covered, and let sit at least 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork.
  4. When the timer on the vegetables is up, carefully remove the foil from the top of the baking sheet, and discard thyme sprigs. Switch the oven to the broiler setting and broil vegetables about 5 minutes or until the edges begin to char. Taste and season with salt & pepper if needed.
  5. Divide quinoa between plates and top with the oven-roasted ratatouille. Finish each plate with a dollop of herbed yogurt. Enjoy!

Notes: Ratatouille is a traditional French dish originating in Nice. Similar dishes can be found in other countries – pisto in Spain, briami in Greece, and caponata in Italy.